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Human society and its environment :
Collection code: Picture books. A digital copy of this resource is available at the URL at the base of this record. "This 'Guide to using picture books in History K-10' aims to: promote and explain the value of using picture books in K-10 history teaching for developing historical concepts, skills, knowledge and understandings; encourage K-10 teachers to integrate picture books into their history teaching and programming as stimulus material, a primary or secondary source or as an example of an historical narrative; provide examples of history teaching and learning activities based around specific core picture books thoughtfully selected for their historical and literary value; offer examples of history teaching and learning strategies that enable students to work and think as historians; suggest a comprehensive list of stage-related, syllabus-linked picture books as a resource for use in history teaching and learning; inspire teachers to seek out and share picture books that add enjoyment to, enhance and deepen students’ history learning experiences." - p. 3. "This 'Guide to using picture books in History K-10' aims to: promote and explain the value of using picture books in K-10 history teaching for developing historical concepts, skills, knowledge and understandings; encourage K-10 teachers to integrate picture books into their history teaching and programming as stimulus material, a primary or secondary source or as an example of an historical narrative; provide examples of history teaching and learning activities based around specific core picture books thoughtfully selected for their historical and literary value; offer examples of history teaching and learning strategies that enable students to work and think as historians; suggest a comprehensive list of stage-related, syllabus-linked picture books as a resource for use in history teaching and learning; inspire teachers to seek out and share picture books that add enjoyment to, enhance and deepen students’ history learning experiences." - p. 3.